Monday, 24 September 2012

It is monday!

It's monday, the start of a new week; possibly a painful experience for most of us. And for those of us going to school, a day which consists of lesons you don't want to go to then coming back and looking (stalking) people's facebook profiles for pictures of their lives which seem to be just fine and dandy... and this all happens in one week... WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO???
Nothing like a good youtube raid won't do, especially listening to music and miming the lyrics to the songs you only half know...

Sunday, 23 September 2012

just because it's cold doesn't mean we can't look smashing

Hello everyone!

Hasn't the eather just been great? those who live in England would get exactyl what I mean  because it's be pretty terrible. How come it takes ages for the sun to kick in when it's ummer but winter just zoom in on us :/ I really dont know. Anyho seeing as the topic we are on is bad weather It would be safe to say i's time to start filling up our losets agin ith winter clothes and I think miliary is wher i's at. I would definetley wear this and my dream is to see everyone wearing rmy jackets, like navy clones on the streets ( I have a wild imagination.)

You can get this from Topshop or £48.00 enjoy your military style jacket as I enjoy mine, a step closer to my dream

Monday, 17 September 2012

Web/book shout out

I found out a couple of weeks ago that the website/mag rookie has atually been turned into a book! yay! I do like this website because it is really weird and crazy but says a lot oftruthful stuff. The founder is Tavi gevinson which many people know from the blog style rookie. I do love her blog but being in charge of a website as well as logging can be really hard. The webiste is mainly for teenage girls leading there life to adult hood and i'm sure if your looking for a story as a teenage girl to say 'yeah that' totally me!' you shall look no furhter in this book :)

Be a good blogger

This post is rushed because I am bad. I am bad because I haven't blogged in ages. I had a wholeblog ready on New york fashion week and Victoria Beckhams collection (which I really liked) and all that but I'm so late that New York Fashion week is finished (dull face)
Hope you enjoying sitting behind your screens skimming for whats left of london fashion week x

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Nasty Gal - Web shout out

I've recently been hooked on this website called nasty gal. The reason I like it so much is because the pictures are quite fascinating. T'is all. They have such good clothes on that website and the website really comes together really well. The pictures really tie eerything together and I thin the blogs on there are really good as I am a big fan of reading other blogs. The clothes on there are supposed to be high street clothes which are affordable to all but yet I don't think I could put together about £90 for an outfit; but for ho good the clothes are, I would defnetley try my best to do so. These lovely selection of clothes are all on the net which you can find right here.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Paisley print - upcoming autumn trend

Well I am seeing around some really cool prints around for example (birds, perfume bottles, even cars?!) But some how they all seem to work well on things from shirts to bagpacks... One I've been seeing is the paisley print which has to be one of my favourites or one reason only. I hated the print as a child. I lways used to all it (and still do to this day) the beanie print, ( i don't know either) and I used to have a top and skirt with the print. I still hate the styke of both the skirt and the top but I think the print is kind of cool now. specially on backpacks.

Hopefully the next blog one wil be autumn related to...

The satchel bag tada!

There is one thing that I have definetley been wanting for a long time and it has to be a satchel bag! With my extended list of wants and must-haves, I really think this may be the one on top! I think it goes well with everything (yes even if it is yellow!) Over here in the cold English weather I think it's important we catch the last of the summer and get out those summer dresses to go with out nice satchels! It will be really great for a school bag and yes, even if it is tired out... ( in my opnion it gives it more of a vintage look.) The CSC are doing a pastel collection and I shall sing their praises for bringing the satchel back in. I am determind to get that bag! Sooner... or later ( most likely later)