Saturday, 17 May 2014

um hello again

It feels like I have a lot of explaining to do to the little readers that I have gained through my years of blogging. I have found that the amount of work that is involved with exams can almost take over your life and it kinda still is. Though I have never been a consistent blogger (whoops) this is definitely the longest time that I have spent away from filling in my slice of the internet. So far I've done 7 exams and have about 11 left. They've all gone OK to be honest and I hope to surprise myself of results day. However, I just wasn't 'blessed' lets say with the gift of mathematics if you dare call that mix of letter, decimals and numbers. I am trying my absolute hardest not to give up of this deadly but crucial subject and will do ANYTHING FOR A B. I hope that I can deliver on the day.
Sorry to have not come with any new styles and things that I am loving at the moment but I will be back sooner than you know it! I felt that there was a much needed apology for my absence on the internet and here it is- sorry. SORRY. I think that even if fashion does come first to me, perhaps not to future employees so I best do my best and study.
I will now leave you with some songs that I have been hooked on and have been my deliverance for these bloomin' exams.
Hope you enjoy!